About Amy
Amy B. Chesler is an author, award-winning blogger, & actress from Southern California. She discovered her passion for the literary and film worlds as early as she can remember, and has been voraciously reading, writing, and performing ever since. Amy’s journey has led her to contribute work to many popular publications. Read more…
Splish Splash, We’re Having a Bash!
When little lady asked for a mermaid fifth birthday party I knew I had to go big. Not because I’m one of those moms who always has to go big, but because FIVE is big. In fact, it’s huge. But you know what didn’t have to be? My budget. Yep,...
Lessons From Mom
There are things our parents choose to do that stay with us forever. These actions, good or bad, teach us the lessons we carry into adulthood and especially parenthood.
Like the time my older brother found a wallet filled to the brim with cash. I was four and he was seven, but as children of a single mother in the eighties, we already knew the value of a dollar; Mom was never one to shelter us from our reality. I remember my brother handing her the leather square in the narrow aisles of a pharmacy. I remember Mom looking around, then stuffing it deep underneath her arm in one swift movement…”
This is 5.
Today began like any other day. We spent far too much time looking for our shoes, even though I remind both kids to use the under-the-stairs cubbies each time they take them off. We argued over what shirt would be worn in order to be warm enough in this weather. And...
What is Mom2Summit and Why Did I Go?
Over the last couple weeks my social media accounts may have made you ask “what the heck is #Mom2Summit and why does Amy care so much about it?” And to be brutally frank, before this weekend, I’m not sure I could have answered that question with confidence. As a...
“Whatta Mom!” collaboration with Life of Mom
Here’s to all the awesome Mamas out there! It was such a joy to be a part of the Whatta Mom Parody for Life of Mom. Make sure you let us know what you think and share...
When Death Means Something Different
I know it often seems a weird place to talk death, on the Internet. And perhaps it’s true that just as misery loves company, grief needs love. This death, however, is a bit different than most. When my father died just over two years ago, the world lost a...
So, You’re Coming to LA?
Only days 29 ‘til Mom Summit (whaaaat?), and if you’re anything like me, you’ve been packing/unpacking/planning outfits mentally for months. But, as a lifelong LA resident I have a lot less to prep than to obsess over.
Chicken Soup for the Soul Friend Friday Podcast Interview
A huge thank you to Amy Newmark of Chicken Soup for the Soul for asking me to be her guest on today’s Friend Friday podcast show! She interviewed me about my various CSS stories, and we had the chance to chat about writers’ groups, as well as our random run-in on...
#Enough video via Awestruck
I am deeply indebted to the AwestruckTV family for allowing me to be in their #Enough video and giving volume to my voice. Also, for their bravery....
The Nine Best Michael Keaton Movies
Michael Keaton is undoubtedly one of Hollywood’s most unsung gems. His performances are always thoughtful and provocative, whether he’s donning a mask or some oven mitts. In honor of the thirtieth anniversary of one of our very favorite Keaton roles, I’ve compiled a...
To Galway, With Love
…Only a few hours later, I had booked a trip to Ireland so I could spend St. Patrick’s Day in the rowdy streets of Dublin. I had stumbled upon an affordable tour for college students offered by a company both Mom and I had formerly worked for. I would be spending two and a half days in Galway and four days in Dublin. This would only be the second flight of my life, and I tried not to be nervous. There was nothing I could or wanted to do about my excitement, though.
The Bend and Snap
Every one has a modus operandi, a way they conduct themselves. The more adulting I’m forced to do, the more I realize I tend to employ what I (or Elle from Legally Blonde 2 may call) ‘The Bend and Snap.’ And the more I think about it, I recognize many of my...