Amy B. Chesler

Having A Weird Mom Builds Character | Amy B. Chesler

About Amy

Amy B. Chesler is an author, award-winning blogger, & actress from Southern California. She discovered her passion for the literary and film worlds as early as she can remember, and has been voraciously reading, writing, and performing ever since. Amy’s journey has led her to contribute work to many popular publications. Read more…

Chicken Soup for the Soul Round-Up

Chicken Soup for the Soul Round-Up

Over the last eight years I have been privileged to contribute to a lot of wonderful publications, but very few are as respected and world-renown as Chicken Soup for the Soul. My five feel-good stories have appeared in seven different anthologies. And since it seems an appropriate time to share some virtual chicken soup with my followers, I thought I’d offer my first round-up post of ‘Soul Stories,’ as I’ll call them now.

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Expressing Motherhood

Expressing Motherhood

Performed on October 7th, 2016 in Silverlake, CA as part of the live stage show, “Expressing Motherhood” As Mitch Albom once wrote, “There’s a story behind everything… But behind all your stories is always your mother’s story,...

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Where Does Hatred Come From?

Where Does Hatred Come From?

Where does hatred come from? I originally answered this question on my blog almost two years ago, but in honor of the many lives a shooter stole today, I thought I would repost it. This conversation MUST happen. *A quick disclaimer: I am in no way an expert on this...

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This House of Love

This House of Love

Let me introduce myself. I’m Amy Beth Chesler: a storyteller and lover of food, laughter, & adventure. I chose to title my blog “This House of Love” because Amy Beth can be loosely translated into that phrase. My mom assembled this name for me...

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Jesus Was an Influencer

Jesus Was an Influencer

I keep seeing comments like, “You’re a ________, you should stick to that,” whether it be backlash at comedians, influencers, or entertainers of any type. But to me this makes no sense. Without beating around the proverbial or biblical bush, Jesus was an influencer....

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Bus 152: No Longer in Service

Bus 152: No Longer in Service

as seen as “Prenatal Nocturne” in Chicken Soup for the Soul: Miraculous Messages from Heaven “The tie which links mother and child is of such pure and immaculate strength as to be never violated.”~Washington Irving After my mother’s death in 2007, I dreamt of her...

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Grocery Shopping a Go-Go

Grocery Shopping a Go-Go

Raise your hand if you have a strong-willed child ????? This is mine. Here he is shopping in our fridge. He’s doing that because his Daddy happened to go on an errand right when the Instacart delivery arrived. He wasn’t able to help me carry the groceries to the...

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How Can Love Find a Way?

How Can Love Find a Way?

A few years ago I wrote a piece called “Where Does Hatred Come From?” In it I discuss my mother’s murder and what (I think) compelled my brother to do such a thing. But something else has been on my mind, a question I get quite a lot that usually...

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It Takes a Village (ExMoShow piece #3)

It Takes a Village (ExMoShow piece #3)

I had the pleasure of being a part of the Expressing Motherhood cast for a third time this past month. Originally, I wasn’t going to share my piece online because as much as I pride myself on my openness, I know some things are too much. However, it was pretty damn...

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