Amy B. Chesler

Having A Weird Mom Builds Character | Amy B. Chesler

About Amy

Amy B. Chesler is an author, award-winning blogger, & actress from Southern California. She discovered her passion for the literary and film worlds as early as she can remember, and has been voraciously reading, writing, and performing ever since. Amy’s journey has led her to contribute work to many popular publications. Read more…

Go with the Flow

Go with the Flow

I am an extremely anxious person by nature. I always have been. When I became a wife my anxiety doubled, and the day I became a Mom I think it must have quintupled. That first glimpse I took of my infant daughter I instantly fell in love, and then only moments later I...

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Mermaid Merriment

Mermaid Merriment

My eldest will be celebrating her fourth birthday soon, and accordingly, she has been planning her party for a couple months (she’s so my daughter). We’ve been throwing around theme ideas for a while, but can never get farther than her current obsession:...

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The Best Gift to Give this Summer (I promise).

The Best Gift to Give this Summer (I promise).

It’s the end of the school year and the summer holidays are approaching. You know what that means, right? All the amazing Pinterest-y Moms will be at it full force. They’ve designed insane end-of-the-school-year presents like hand crafted paperweights made from real unicorn hairs. And that’s just so not me.

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Fresh is Best

Fresh is Best

I recently found myself amidst a very stale routine. After spending the day doing various errands or going to classes with my son, I would pick up my daughter from school and allow her to plop onto the couch the second we got home. She would remain there for quite...

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Get in my Belly

Get in my Belly

I hate meal prep, and rarely do it, but last night found me an abundance of unused, sliced veggies. Thus, the most amazing, easiest, accidental meal prep ever:   1 organic zucchini (sliced into coins) 2 tbsps of bacon bits (or a couple strips cut up) A handful of...

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Expressing Motherhood

Expressing Motherhood

Performed on October 7th, 2016 in Silverlake, CA as part of the live stage show, “Expressing Motherhood” As Mitch Albom once wrote, “There’s a story behind everything… But behind all your stories is always your mother’s story,...

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These Are the Days of Our Lives

I am lying on our plush blanket in the soft, wet grass staring up at the sky. Tufts of white cotton candy slowly float by; I see a dinosaur hidden in a particularly grandiose cloud. I point out the T. Rex to Charlotte and she laughs at my silliness. Her laughter is...

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Nine Years Later

Nine Years Later

When I was pregnant with Charlotte someone in the Starbucks line imparted a piece of wisdom to me. This is a frequent occurrence during pregnancy – advice, words of wisdom, warnings, congratulations – strangers offer them all.  Few are gems, but for some...

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